We developed an innovative patented production process to use grass as a new raw material in paper production. To create sustainable grasspaper, we combine our grass fibre with either wood or recycled pulp. This saves large amounts of water, energy and CO2.
With grasspaper companies present themselves in an eye-catching way while at the same time protecting the environment.
A lot has happened from the first handmade sheet of grasspaper in 2013. We have experimented, adapted, put our “green idea” on track for industrial use. Today, our grass fibre raw material can be used on any paper machine. In close collaboration with the industry, we develop beautiful and sustainable grasspaper applications, from hygiene and graphic paper to folding boxes and cardboard packaging. Grasspaper saves trees and helps to further reduce climate-damaging emissions.
We will make a decisive change to the use of resources in the millennia-old tradition of papermaking, whilst introducing grass alongside wood pulp and recycled paper as the world’s third most important raw material for the production of paper. This is our work, our passion, our commitment. And in thirty years’ time, history books will read, ‘Back in the days when paper was still made from trees …!’
We love Mother Earth.
We believe in a future on this planet.
We assume responsibility for our children, our children’s children and our children’s children’s children.
This is why we are disseminating the idea of using grass as a raw material for the paper industry all over the world.
This is our contribution to Mother Earth and her children.
What’s yours?